Delete Past Public Holidays from the View
Cargoclix has added a new function to the function for maintaining public holidays in the admin area. From now on, SLOT admins have the possibility to delete past public holidays from the respective ramp by mouse click. The public holidays from the previous year or years are considered as past public holidays. In this way, the list of public holidays becomes relatively short, as only public holidays from the current year are displayed. This way, SLOT admins can check and easily manage the public holidays in the current year with a short overview.
The new button “Delete past public holidays” is located on the left below the listed public holidays. It is only active if the public holidays are in the past (previous year or earlier). Otherwise, the button is visible but not active. The SLOT admin clicks the button. An additional pop-up window lists the past public holidays for the admin. Confirmation is required to complete the process. Afterwards, a final pop-up window appears with the confirmation that all past holidays have been successfully deleted.
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