New SLOT Function Enables Recording of Truck Punctuality
Does a truck arrive at the ramp on time for the booked time slot, too early or too late? A new function in the SLOT time slot management system enables CargoMarket administrators to record this individually for each booking. To do this, each admin stores in the configuration of the system per ramp in the new tab “P & B” how exactly the punctuality is to be measured. This is done by defining a time window when a booking is considered punctual – for example, if the status “Registration Office” was selected within a frame of ten minutes before and 15 minutes after the start of the time window. For each booking, the “Punctuality” column in the “Bookings” tab thus notes whether the goods delivery or collection was made at the appropriate time, too early or too late. The same mechanism can also be used in TERMINAL to display different notices to drivers depending on whether they have booked in too early, too late or on time.
The new function does not replace the much more flexible functionality in the Logistic Monitor. There, such KPIs can be displayed in much greater detail and in a more customer-specific manner.
*Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management
Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp. It prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Our Timeslot management system provides also transparency for all pictured logistics processes. Therefore it is the best solution for industry, trade, logistics service providers and transport companies.
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