More Attachments per Booking
To further improve communication between CargoMarket owners and suppliers, it is now possible to add more attachments to a booking. As before, the CargoMarket admin at CargoMarket level determines the number of attachments that can be uploaded by suppliers to each booking. From now on, it is possible to set up to 30 attachments per booking in the “Document attachment” tab in the “My Cargoclix” > Time slot area. The functionality for determining the document size and document formats remains unchanged.
Another new feature in the attachments process is the removal of already uploaded documents. From now on, uploading and deleting attachments may only be done by users with the same Cargoclix roles, i.e. the Shipper user may not delete Carrier attachments and vice versa.
The new features not only facilitate communication between the different Cargoclix users, but also make it faster and easier to manage attachments and reduce the number of phone calls.
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