Opti-Run Introduces SLOT
The folding box gluing centre Opti-run has introduced the cloud-based SLOT time slot management system from Cargoclix. In future, the software will support the congestion-free handling of around 60 trucks per day in incoming and outgoing goods. A slot booking costs 50 cents. The costs are borne by the logistics service providers. The booking period for time slots begins 15 days in advance. Spontaneous bookings are possible until midnight the day before.
The company Opti-Run was founded in 2008.
The head office is located in Herne. Opti-Run employs 58 people in production, maintenance, logistics and administration. The company specialises in corrugated cardboard and online shipping in the contract bonding sector. A new production hall is built in Castrop-Rauxel.
*Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management
Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp. It prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Our Timeslot management system provides also transparency for all pictured logistics processes. Therefore it is the best solution for industry, trade, logistics service providers and transport companies.
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