Schedule: Information about ramps is displayed via mouse-over
The CargoMarket Admin can write a note in the schedule of each ramp with information about the respective ramp. Each user can then see these details by moving his mouse over the name of the respective ramp (mouse-over technology). The advantage: The function helps you find your way around the schedule more quickly. It also displays important information in an uncomplicated way. For example the admin can select the types of accepted incoming and outgoing goods for each ramp. Every carrier, who books a timeslot can then move the mouse over the ramp name. So he will find out which ramp contains the desired type of goods before opening the booking screen.
Schedule: How to find Information about ramps via mouse-over
Information about ramps in the schedule via mouse-over

Information about ramps in the schedule via mouse-over
CargoMarket admins can set the function below: Login into
My Cargoclix > Time slot> [Ramp select] > General > Activate tooltip for ramp.
This option is possible in all languages.
Find out also the other new functions of Cargoclix Timeslot management system.
*Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management
Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp. It prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Our Timeslot management system provides transparency for all pictured logistics processes. It is the best solution for industry, trade, logistics service providers and transport companies.
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