Tag Archives: SLOT

BB Verpackungen Introduces SLOT at Another Location

in Company News, SLOT News

Following its two warehouse locations in Stuhr, Lower Saxony, packaging expert BB Verpackungen has now also introduced the cloud-based SLOT time slot management system from Cargoclix at its external warehouse in Hamburg. Two trucks per day can now be processed without congestion in both the incoming and outgoing goods areas. Free appointments can be booked […]


Breyer GmbH Maschinenfabrik Introduces SLOT in Singen

in Company News, SLOT News

Breyer Maschinenfabrik has decided to introduce the cloud-based time management system SLOT from Cargoclix at its headquarters in Singen. The company uses it to handle around 20 trucks per day in incoming and outgoing goods without any congestion. The booking period for time slots starts 20 days in advance. Spontaneous bookings are possible up to […]


Deutsche Saatveredlung Introduces SLOT

in Company News, SLOT News

The plant breeding company Deutsche Saatveredlung is now optimising its incoming goods at its headquarters in Lippstadt with the cloud-based SLOT time slot management system from Cargoclix. Around 70 trucks per day are now processed without congestion. There are no fixed booking deadlines, the time slots can be booked at any time. A booking costs […]


Vorfahrt für Frischwaren

in Company News, Success Stories

Um seine Rampen vor Ort besser zu organisieren, setzt der Flughafen  Zürich auf das Zeitfenstermanagementsystem SLOT von Cargoclix. Die  cloudbasierte Lösung hilft dabei, bei der Anlieferung von Waren für die  Flughafenshops und Restaurants Staus zu vermeiden und die Abläufe an  den Rampen deutlich zu verbessern.   Freiburg i.B., 30. August 2022. Wer die Wörter „Logistik“ und […]


Windmöller Holzwerkstoffe Optimises Ramps with SLOT

in Company News, SLOT News

Windmöller Holzwerkstoffe has also opted for the cloud-based SLOT time slot management system from Cargclix. At the Werste site near Bad Oeynhausen, the application supports the congestion-free handling of 10 trucks per day in the incoming goods department. Time slots can already be booked with a lead time of 120 days. The booking deadline is […]


Opti-Run Introduces SLOT

in Company News, SLOT News

The folding box gluing centre Opti-run has introduced the cloud-based SLOT time slot management system from Cargoclix. In future, the software will support the congestion-free handling of around 60 trucks per day in incoming and outgoing goods. A slot booking costs 50 cents. The costs are borne by the logistics service providers. The booking period […]
