All posts by: websitedev

Gebrüder Bode have become Cargoclix customers

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

The Gebr. Bode GmbH & Co. KG has been part of the Cargoclix customer base since November. The traffic engineering company optimizes the goods receipt at the Kassel location with the web-based product SLOT. Every day, around 50 trucks are dispatched there using time slots. Logistics service providers can book their desired time window between […]


Edit booking fields during running process

in Company News, SLOT News, TECH News

CargoMarket admins can decide if certain booking data fields can be processed by carriers even if a process state of the booking has been clicked. This enables carriers, for example, to provide important information for a booking at short notice, information that was not yet available when the booking was saved. Edit booking fields while […]


Bosch works with SLOT in Poland

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Robert Bosch GmbH has introduced the web-based timeslot management system SLOT from Cargoclix in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland. The location south of Lodz has a ramp at which five trucks are dispatched daily using time slot allocation. Forwarders can book their desired time window between two weeks in advance and up to 14:00 the day before […]


Automatische Prüfung der Mobilnummer beim SMS-Versand

in Uncategorized

Um den korrekten SMS-Versand über Cargoclix sicherzustellen, wird beim Versand im Hintergrund überprüft, ob die Länderkennung der in der Buchung eingetragenen Mobilnummer gültig ist.  Akzeptiert werden ausschließlich Länderkennungen, die mit + oder 00 beginnen, beispielsweise +49 oder 0049.  Gibt der Benutzer eine Nummer im falschen Format ein, wird ein roter Warnhinweis angezeigt mit dem Hinweis, […]


Obermann Logistik introduces SLOT

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Obermann Logistik GmbH went live with the SLOT timeslot booking system. At its Gittelde/Teichhütte location, the logistics service provider relies on the Internet-based Cargoclix timeslot management system for both incoming and outgoing goods. A slot can be booked between seven days in advance and until 2 p.m. on the day before delivery. The booking fee […]


Logwin optimizes ramps with Cargoclix

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Logwin Solutions Deutschland GmbH introduced the web-based SLOT timeslot system on the ramp at its Heppenheim branch at the beginning of July. The logistics provider maps the loading and unloading dates for a total of four incoming and outgoing goods ramps in SLOT. Booking is possible between 28 days in advance and up to 24 […]
